How is Absolute Poverty Line Measured?
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The term ‘poverty’ has been defined in different societies in a different way but all of them are conditioned by the version of minimum or good life to be obtained in society. Poverty is multi dimensional. It can be absolute or relative poverty. Those who suffer from absolute poverty have no guarantee that will be able to meet the fundamental cost of living as a human being. The World Bank has set the norm of 1 dollar per day per person for this purpose. The absolute poverty line is based on nutritional level is, defined as minimum requirement of
a. 2400 calories per person per day for rural areas.
b. 2100 calories per person per day for urban areas.
Poverty is one of the greatest curses of our time and we must find solution to this problem by increasing agricultural production, razing the standard of living and equal distribution of resources.
Some of the important measures taken by the government to eradicate the rural poverty in India are:
a. Twenty Point Programme (TPP) This programme was started in 1975 for poverty eradication and rasing the standard of living.
b. Antoyodaya Yojana to make the poorest families of the village economically independent. It was started in 1977-78.
c. Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP) The main objective was to bring some sort of employment to rural poor through local resources. This programme was launched on 2nd October, 1980.
d. Training Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM) It was started on 15th August, 1979. This programme is for training rural youth for self employment.
e. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana This programme was launched on April 1989, for providing employment to rural unemployed.
f. Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) It was launched on September 1982, to provide suitable opportunities of self employment to the women belonging to the rural families who are living below the poverty line.
g. Crash Scheme of Rural Employment (CSRE) Started in 1972-73 for rural employment.
h. National Rural Employment Programme (NREP) Started in 1980 to provide profitable employment opportunities to the rural poor.
The best measure to eradicate poverty is to generate self employment among the people.